About Me:
I research relationships between environment and society in Tajikistan and Afghanistan, focusing especially on resource governance, land tenure and land reform, and pastoralism. To examine these, I prioritize on-the-ground experiences in the context of both material environmental processes and constantly evolving systems of governmental, customary, and religious law. I draw on my Tajik and Dari language skills and employ combination of qualitative methods, survey analysis, and geospatial methods including GIS and remote sensing.
My current project focuses on the property rules governing pasture and fodder-growing land in the Rasht Valley of central Tajikistan. This research takes a multi-scalar approach, looking at non-governmental rules at the village level, interactions between Rasht locals and non-local herds arriving from Khatlon, and the creation of national-level environmental legislation.
I have served as a research consultant for projects related to land and property governance, pasture management, and disaster risk reduction.