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The Origin, Evolution and Development Prospects of the “New Silk Road” Project in the United States——A Dialogue with Professor Starr, the Proposer of the “New Silk Road” Concept – 美国“新丝绸之路”计划的缘起、演变和发展前景——对话“新丝绸之路”构想的提出人斯塔教授

 Author: Pan Guang  Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal  Publisher: Contemporary World, 2015(4), 25-27  Publication Date: 2015  Language: Chinese

In July 2011, the then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton clearly proposed the “New Silk Road” plan for the first time when she delivered a speech in India. Since then, the United States has convened several meetings with relevant countries to actively promote this plan. However, after the change of secretary of state, the attitude of the United States on this issue has appeared “fuzzy.” Recently, more and more countries support and participate in the concept of the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” advocated by Chinese leaders.
