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Study on the Utilization of Animal Resources in the Sazhankan Site of Samarkand,Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕萨扎干遗址先民动物资源利用研究

 Author: Liu Huan, Wang Jianxin, Liang Yun, Ren Meng, Xi Tongyuan  Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Environment, History, Journal, Uzbekistan  Publisher: The Western Regions Studies, 2019(1), 132-141  Publication Date: 2019  Language: Chinese More Details

Based on the identification of animal skeletons unearthed from the Zagan site in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, this paper identified 11 species of birds, turtles, rodents, dogs, bears, donkeys, pigs, cattle, antelopes, sheep and goats. The ancient environment around the site was relatively arid, with relatively open mountains, abundant forage resources, overgrown shrubs, and forests such as coniferous forests and mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests distributed among the mountains with no streams in between, and deserts or semi-deserts may exist nearby The area is basically consistent with the current environment. Statistics show that domestic animals are the main source of meat for human beings, while wild animals occupy a secondary position, which is the supplement of meat resources. The economic type of the site belongs to the nomadic economy, and there are various ways of using animal resources, including not only the acquisition of meat resources, but also the development of milk, hair, and animal power, which will also be used to make bone tools and serve as burial objects.
