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Research on the History of Khotan – 于阗史丛考

 Author: Zhang Guangda, Rong Xinjiang  Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History, Religion, Xinjiang  Publisher: Renmin University of China Press  Publication Date: 2008  Language: Chinese  Buy Now

“Khotan History Cong Examination (Updated Edition)” is a collection of the two authors’ papers on the study of Khotan history, covering the age of Khotan historical materials, the lineage of Khotan kings, Khotian ethnicity, Khotan Buddhism, and Khotan fine arts. In many respects, it has made great contributions to the research on the history of the Tang and Song Dynasties and even the entire Western Region. At the back of the book is a detailed “Catalogue of Works on the History of Khotan.”
