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Legacy of the former Soviet Union: Kazakhstan’s food and energy industries 前苏联的遗产:哈萨克斯坦的粮食和能源产业

 Author: Li Ning  Category: Agriculture, Energy, Kazakhstan, Security  Publisher: Baishan Press  Publication Date: 2016  Language: Chinese  Buy Now

This paper analyzes the two major industries of food and energy in Kazakhstan after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union based on the principles of Marxist political economy. Kazakhstan is located in the core area of Eurasia and is a land bridge connecting Europe and Asia. Because of its rich natural resources, it is especially manifested in land resources and oil and natural gas resources. Historically, Kazakhstan was the food and energy production area of the former Soviet Union. Since its independence, Kazakhstan has actively developed its own resource industry. Although it has experienced the economic crisis brought about by the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, due to rising international resource prices and international financial support, Kazakhstan’s food industry has and the development of the energy industry has made remarkable achievements. However, at the same time, it faces problems such as low resource utilization, weak autonomy and environmental pollution.
