Showing 1-4 of 4 Books
Pamiris, or Badakhshanis in popular discourse, form a small group of Iranic peoples who inhabit the mountainous region of the...
Category: Central Asia, History, Identity, Tajikistan By: Dagikhudo Dagiev, Faucher Carole
Russian domestic politics has long been both labyrinthine and pragmatic, at once both inordinately complex and breathtakingly dynamic. The same...
Category: Central Asia, International Relations By: Alex Danilovich
Pamiris, or Badakhshanis in popular discourse, form a small group of Iranic peoples who inhabit the mountainous region of the...
Category: Идентичность, История, Таджикистан By: Dagikhudo Dagiev, Carole Faucher
Russian domestic politics has long been both labyrinthine and pragmatic, at once both inordinately complex and breathtakingly dynamic. The same...
Category: Международные отношения By: Alex Danilovich