Showing 1-4 of 4 Books
Тлостанова показывает, как искусство стало средством деколонизации и создания современной постсоветской идентичности.
Category: История, Казахстан, Культура, Узбекистан By: Madina Tlostanova
Tlostanova shows how art has become a medium for decolonization and the making of modern-day post-Soviet identities.
Category: Central Asia, Culture, History, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan By: Madina Tlostanova
Tlostanova examines Central Asia and the Caucasus to trace the genealogy of feminism in those regions following the dissolution of...
Category: Central Asia, Culture, Gender, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Politics, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan By: Madina Tlostanova
Tlostanova examines Central Asia and the Caucasus to trace the genealogy of feminism in those regions following the dissolution of...
Category: Гендер, Казахстан, Культура, Кыргызстан, Политика, Таджикистан, Туркменистан, Узбекистан By: Madina Tlostanova