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Патшалық Ресей және Кеңес Империяларының Қазақстандағы Рухани Отарлау Саясатының Зардаптары (XIX ғасырдың 70-80 жылдары – XXI ғасырдың басы) (Consequences of the Policy of Spiritual Colonization by Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Empire in Kazakhstan (70-80 years of the 19th Century to the Beginning of the 21st Century))

 Author: Gulmira Mashimbaeva, Serik Mashimbaev  Category: Central Asia, History, Kazakhstan, Religion  Publisher: Kazakh University  Publication Date: 2013  Language: Kazakh

The book describes Russia’s spiritual colonization through education and learning. It analyzes the essence of the twin policies of Russification and Christianization, and how they were implemented in Kazakhstan.
