Scholars of Central Asia Book Database
The Scholars of Central Asia Book Database is intended to showcase the work of scholars from Central Asia.
The entries have been compiled through keyword searches on publishers’ websites, research bibliographies and searches within library collections. The inclusion criteria for the database are the following:
- Single or multiple author monographs;
- Works of non-fiction within the social sciences and humanities;
- Authored or co-authored by at least one person who was born in Central Asia;
- Published since 1991;
- Published in any language.
The database includes entries in English, Russian and local languages from Central Asia. Entries appear in reverse chronological order by year of publication.
We update the database on a continuing basis as new work is published and we discover missing entries. This database is far from comprehensive, but it is our hope that the project will grow over time into an invaluable resource for scholars and practitioners working on the region.
If you would like your book to be listed on the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs’ Scholars of Central Asia Book Database, please complete and submit this form.

Le Nouveau Grand Jeu en Asie Centrale: Enjeux et Stratégies...
Category: Central Asia, International Relations, Kazakhstan

Central Asia Legal System Studies Series: A Study on Kazakhstan’s...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Kazakhstan, Law

On the Relations between Central Asian Countries and Russia from...
The Central Asian region discussed in "Eurasian Historical and Cultural Library: An Essay on the Relations between Central Asian Countries...

Research on the History of Northwest Nations and the History...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History

Political and Economic Development of Uzbekistan after Independence 1991-2011 乌兹别克斯坦独立后的政治经济发展(1991-2011)
The Political and Economic Development of Uzbekistan After Independence (1991-2011) is divided into nine chapters, the main contents are: Chapter...

Российские Консульства в Синьцзяне (конец XIX – начало XX) (Russian...
This study offers an analysis of official correspondence between consulates and other diplomatic documents produced in Xinjiang between 1881 and...

Russia and the Afghan Question – 俄罗斯与阿富汗问题
Category: Afghanistan, Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal
Possibilities and Limits of the Development of the Shanghai Cooperation...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal, Russia

Non-interference in internal affairs and constructive intervention: Reflections on China’s...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal

Analysis of the relationship between Russia and the Shanghai Cooperation...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal

The current economic security situation in Central Asia and its...
Category: Afghanistan, Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal

From Shamanism to Sufism: Women, Islam and Culture in Central...
Category: Central Asia, Culture, Gender, Religion

Тәуелсіздік Кезеңіндегі Қазақ Опера Театры (Kazakh Opera During the Independence...
Category: Central Asia, Culture, Kazakhstan

Tsars, Cossacks, and Nomads: the Formation of a Borderland Culture...
Category: Central Asia, History, Kazakhstan

Советский формат для национальных меньшинств СССР. 1920-1930-е гг (The Soviet...
Category: Central Asia, History, Identity, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Казахстан и Россия: сотрудничество в области региональной безопасности (Kazakhstan and...
Category: Central Asia, International Relations, Kazakhstan, Security

Древние памятники Тянь-Шаня (Ancient Monuments of the Tien-Shan)
Category: Central Asia, History, Identity, Kyrgyzstan

XX asr O’zbek adabiyotining Amerikada o’rganilishi (The Study of Twentieth-Century...
Category: Central Asia, Culture, Uzbekistan

Стратегия Процветания Страны в Условиях Меняющегося Мира: Уроки Мировго Кризиса...
Category: Central Asia, Economics, Kazakhstan

Палеоантропология юга Средней Азии эпохи энеолита и бронзы (Paleoanthropology of...
Category: Central Asia, History, Kazakhstan

Исмаил Гаспринский и Туркестан в начале ХХ века: связи-отношения-влияние (Ismail...
Category: Central Asia, History

История социальных движений и политических партий Хорезма (1900-1924) (History of...
Category: Central Asia, History, Uzbekistan

A Study on the History of the Relationship between the...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History, Xinjiang

Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Economics, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Transition, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Searoutes and Landroutes – 海路与陆路
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History, Religion

A Study on the Ethnic Issues of Kyrgyzstan in the...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History, Identity, Kyrgyzstan

Кокандское ханство: власть, политика, религия (Kokand Khanate: Power, Politics, Religion)
The book provides an overview of the political, economic, and social history of the Kokand Khanate from the time of...

Региональная Интеграция и Императивы Инновационного развития Кыргызстана (Regional Integration and...
The book emphasizes the importance of regional integration in Kyrgyzstan's political modernization. The author devotes five lengthy chapters to a...

Vatan tarixi: kitob. O’zbekiston sovet mustamlakachiligi davrida (Homeland History: Uzbekistan...
The book is a continuation of the manuals "Vatan Tarixi" (The History of Fatherland) first published in 1997. It analyzes...

Илк Урта Асрлар Марказий Осиё цивилизациясида турк-суғд муносабатлари (Turk-Sughd Relations...
Category: Central Asia, History