Scholars of Central Asia Book Database
The Scholars of Central Asia Book Database is intended to showcase the work of scholars from Central Asia.
The entries have been compiled through keyword searches on publishers’ websites, research bibliographies and searches within library collections. The inclusion criteria for the database are the following:
- Single or multiple author monographs;
- Works of non-fiction within the social sciences and humanities;
- Authored or co-authored by at least one person who was born in Central Asia;
- Published since 1991;
- Published in any language.
The database includes entries in English, Russian and local languages from Central Asia. Entries appear in reverse chronological order by year of publication.
We update the database on a continuing basis as new work is published and we discover missing entries. This database is far from comprehensive, but it is our hope that the project will grow over time into an invaluable resource for scholars and practitioners working on the region.
If you would like your book to be listed on the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs’ Scholars of Central Asia Book Database, please complete and submit this form.

Худое ва худри бишиносам (I Know God and Myself)
Category: Central Asia, Culture, Tajikistan

История Туркестанской Автономии (History of Turkestan Autonomy)
Category: Central Asia, History, Uzbekistan

Relations between the United States and Central Asia before and...
Before the events of 9/11, Central Asia was not a priority in U.S. grand strategy. After, when counterterrorism became the...

Shanghai Cooperation Organization and China’s Overseas Energy Development Strategy –...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Energy, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal

In the late Qing Dynasty, the British obtained privileges in...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History, Xinjiang

The Political Situation in Central Asia is Tricky 中亚政局走势微妙
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Politics, Transition

Таджикистан в орбите глобализационных и геополитических процессов (Tajikistan in the...
Category: Central Asia, International Relations, Politics, Tajikistan

Казахстан за годы независимости (Kazakhstan During the Years of Independence)
Category: Central Asia, Identity, Kazakhstan, Politics

Uyghurname (Uyghurlar Heqqide Umumiy Melumat) (Uyghurname (General Information about Uyghurs))
Category: Central Asia, History, Identity, Xinjiang

History of the Five Central Asian Countries 中亚五国史纲
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, History, Identity

Successful Practice and Innovative Development of the Five Principles of...
As a set of norms and the theoretical system it nurtured, the "Shanghai Five"- now the Shanghai Cooperation Organization -...

Middle East-Central Asia-South Asia-Southeast Asia “Terrorist High Risk” Arc –...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, International Relations, Journal, Security

Historical Dictionary of Turkmenistan
Category: Central Asia, History, International Relations, Politics, Turkmenistan

Таджики: вытеснение и ассимиляция (Tajiks: Displacement and Assimilation)
Category: Central Asia, History, Tajikistan

Ethnicity, Language and Religion in Kyrgyzstan
Category: Central Asia, History, Identity, Kyrgyzstan, Language

Chaghatay uyghur tili heqqide mupessel bayan (Chaghatay Uyghur Language)
Category: Central Asia, Language, Xinjiang

A Study on Central Asian Population Issues 中亚人口问题研究
"Central Asian Population Issues" is divided into nine chapters. The first chapter introduces the status of the population in Central...

A Study on the Socio-economic Culture of the Uzbek Ethnic...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, Economics, History, Identity, Xinjiang

Historical Dictionary of Kyrgyzstan
Category: Central Asia, Economics, Kyrgyzstan, Politics

Foreign Direct Investment in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Politico-Legal Aspects...
Category: Central Asia, Economics, International Relations, Kazakhstan

Таджикская идентичность и государственное строительство в Таджикистане (Tajik Identity and...
Category: Central Asia, History, Identity, Tajikistan

Выборы И Демократия В Кыргызстане: Конституционный Дизайн Президентско-парламентских Отношении (Elections...
Category: Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Law, Politics

Из истории международных отношений Центральной Азии в XVIII веке (The...
Category: Central Asia, History, International Relations, Xinjiang

Ten Years of Great Changes (Central Asia and Transcaucasia Vol)...
This book introduces the history of Central Asia from 1991 to 2001, focuses on the process and results of the...

Религиозно-политический экстремизм и терроризм в Центральной Азии: социально-философский анализ (Religious...
Category: Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Religion, Security, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Этнический атлас Узбекистана (Ethnic Atlas of Uzbekistan)
Category: Central Asia, Geography, History, Uzbekistan

Точикон дар Қарни Бистум (Tajiks in the Twentieth Century)
Category: Central Asia, History, Tajikistan

Центральная Азия на пути интеграции: геополитика, этничность, безопасность (Central Asia...
Category: Central Asia, International Relations, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

XVII-XVIII esirlerdiki Uyghurlar bilen Junggharlarning munasiwiti (Relations between the Uyghurs...

Nationalities and Religion Questions in Central Asia 中亚民族与宗教问题
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, Identity, Kyrgyzstan, Religion, Security