Scholars of Central Asia Book Database
The Scholars of Central Asia Book Database is intended to showcase the work of scholars from Central Asia.
The entries have been compiled through keyword searches on publishers’ websites, research bibliographies and searches within library collections. The inclusion criteria for the database are the following:
- Single or multiple author monographs;
- Works of non-fiction within the social sciences and humanities;
- Authored or co-authored by at least one person who was born in Central Asia;
- Published since 1991;
- Published in any language.
The database includes entries in English, Russian and local languages from Central Asia. Entries appear in reverse chronological order by year of publication.
We update the database on a continuing basis as new work is published and we discover missing entries. This database is far from comprehensive, but it is our hope that the project will grow over time into an invaluable resource for scholars and practitioners working on the region.
If you would like your book to be listed on the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs’ Scholars of Central Asia Book Database, please complete and submit this form.

Afghanistan: Lost Opportunities and Prospects – 阿富汗:失去的机会和前景
Category: Afghanistan, Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal

Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Sino-Russian Relations – 中俄关系中的上海合作组织
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal, Russia

Adjustment of US Middle East Strategy and Central Asia Strategy...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal

International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation: New Trends, New Developments and Performance Evaluation...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Journal, Security

The United States and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: From Bush...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal

Upheaval in Kyrgyzstan: The Role of Russia, America and Europe,...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Journal, Kyrgyzstan, Security

History of Central Asia and China Relations中亞與中國關係史
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, History

Хореография Казахстана. Период Независимости (Choreography Of Kazakhstan: Independence Era)
Category: Central Asia, Culture, Kazakhstan

Gender Epistemologies and Eurasian Borderlands
Category: Central Asia, Culture, Gender, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Politics, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Золотая Жила: Очерки о фольклоре и духовной культуре Казахстана (Gold...
The book provides a...

Системная Модернизация: Институты, управление и сценарии (System Modernization: Institutions, Management,...
Category: Central Asia, Economics, Kyrgyzstan, Politics

Повседневная Жизнь Городов Центрального Казахстана в 1945 – 1953 гг...
Category: Central Asia, Culture, History, Kazakhstan

Кыргыз күүлөрү (Kyrgyz Melodies)
Category: Central Asia, Culture, Kyrgyzstan

Толеи Баланд (High Luck)
Category: Central Asia, History, International Relations, Tajikistan

Многоликий туркменчилик (Many-sided Turkmenness)
Category: Central Asia, Culture, History, Language, Turkmenistan

Collection of Essays on the 80th Birthday of Mr. Zhang...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geography, Xinjiang

History of Central Asia – 中亚史
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History, Xinjiang

General History of Central Asia (four volumes)
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History, Russia

From “Democratic Island” to “Tulip Revolution”: A Study of Kyrgyzstan’s...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Kyrgyzstan, Politics, Transition

Introduction to Kazakh Medicine 哈萨克族医学概论
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, Xinjiang

A Study on Cultural Transformation of the Kazakh Nationality in...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, History, Identity, Transition, Xinjiang

Regional Change in Kyrgyzstan
Category: Central Asia, Economics, Kyrgyzstan

An analysis of the internationalization plan of the “World Uyghur...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Security, Uyghur, Xinjiang

The Russian-Georgian conflict and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization – 俄格冲突与上海合作组织
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal, Russia

Comment on America’s New Afghanistan Strategy – 评美国新阿富汗战略
Category: Afghanistan, Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, International Relations, Journal, Politics

The Military and the State: From Red Army to Independence...
Category: Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Security, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Irregular Migration from the Former Soviet Union to the United...
Category: Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Security, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Legal Aspects of the Regional Integration Processes in the Post-Soviet...
Category: Central Asia, International Relations

От Синьцзяня до Хорасана. Из истории среднеазиатской эмиграции ХХ века...
Category: Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Migration, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Основные тенденции внешней политики Республики Таджикистан на рубеже столетий (1992-2004...
Category: Central Asia, International Relations, Politics, Tajikistan