Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, Geography, History, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
"Medieval Uyghur History" uses newly unearthed Uyghur literature and other first-hand historical materials to ascertain the degree of Uyghur influence...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History, Kazakhstan, Xinjiang
Category: Central Asia, History, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
The first photographic documentation of Muslim cemeteries in Central Asia, this collection presents ethnographic material from collaborative field research in...
Category: Central Asia, History, Kazakhstan, Religion
Category: Central Asia, History, Kazakhstan
Category: Central Asia, Culture, History, Kyrgyzstan, Religion
Three essays—by a historian of Central Asian Islam, a Uyghur folklorist, and the curator of an accompanying exhibition at the...
Category: Central Asia, History, Tajikistan
Category: Central Asia, History, Xinjiang
Category: Central Asia, History, Identity, Turkmenistan
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, History
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History, Migration
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Economics, Environment, History, Nomadism, Transition, Xinjiang
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, History, Identity, Language, Migration
Category: Central Asia, History, Kazakhstan
The Historical Dictionary of Kazakhstan covers the history of Kazakhstan through a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, and a bibliography....
Category: Central Asia, History, Xinjiang
The Central Asian region discussed in "Eurasian Historical and Cultural Library: An Essay on the Relations between Central Asian Countries...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History
Altai is one of the central areas of the cradle of ancient civilizations in Central Asia, and it is the...
This study offers an analysis of official correspondence between consulates and other diplomatic documents produced in Xinjiang between 1881 and...
Category: Central Asia, History, Kazakhstan
Category: Central Asia, History, Identity, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Category: Central Asia, History, Identity, Kyrgyzstan
Category: Central Asia, History, Kazakhstan
Category: Central Asia, History
Category: Central Asia, History, Uzbekistan