Agricultural Production in Barkol,Xinjiang in the First Millennium BC:from the...
The associated weed population is a common phenomenon in agricultural production during the growth of crops,and the remains of weeds...
Category: Agriculture, Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Environment, Journal, Xinjiang
Tian Duo, Xi Tongyuan, Ren Meng, Ma Jian, Wang Jianxin, Zhao Zhijun
Study on the Utilization of Animal Resources in the Sazhankan...
Based on the identification of animal skeletons unearthed from the Zagan site in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, this paper identified 11 species...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Environment, History, Journal, Uzbekistan
Liu Huan, Wang Jianxin, Liang Yun, Ren Meng, Xi Tongyuan