KazakhstanFutures, Reports

Ensuring a Positive Future for Kazakhstan

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This report synthesizes ideas discussed at an academic dialogue between Kazakh and American scholars during Phase II of the Kazakhstan Futures project, consisting of a series of moderated online discussions and a final event, held between April 18th and 19th, 2024, in Astana. The event provided a platform for rigorous brainstorming sessions focused on the long-term prospects of Kazakhstan’s development, specifically looking toward the year 2050. The discussions revolved around the central question: “What could Kazakhstan look like in 2050?” Scholars examined three scenarios titled “no change, realistic, and optimistic” relating to the potential socio-economic development of Kazakhstan up to 2050 and the key factors and risks shaping the likelihood of these different outcomes unfolding. The insights gathered from these discussions reflect a comprehensive analysis of potential future policy pathways for Kazakhstan, highlighting the threats, opportunities, and challenges ahead in a constantly evolving and uncertain geopolitical context.

About the authors:

Madina Junussova: Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Public Policy and Administration and an Urban Development Lead for GSD, as well as a CERGE-EI Foundation Teaching Fellow, University of Central Asia
Aigul Beimisheva: Professor. Humanities School, Narxoz University
Mereke Tanaguzova: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Public Policy, Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University
Albina Tortbayeva: Founder of Arlab Research Community and Program Manager at Oxus Society

This report is published as part of the “Kazakhstan Futures Program” with financial support from the
U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan