Книжная база данных «Ученые Центральной Азии»
Книжная база данных «Ученые Центральной Азии» предназначена для демонстрации работ ученых из Центральной Азии.
Записи были составлены путем поиска по ключевым словам на веб-сайтах издателей, библиографических исследований, и поиска в библиотечных фондах. Критерии включения в базу данных следующие:
- Монографии одного или нескольких авторов;
- Научно-популярные произведения в области социальных и гуманитарных наук;
- Автором или соавтором является как минимум один человек, родившийся в Центральной Азии;
- Издано после 1991 года;
- Издано на любом языке.
База данных включает записи на английском, русском, и местных языках из Центральной Азии. Записи появляются в обратном хронологическом порядке по году публикации.
Мы постоянно обновляем базу данных по мере публикации новых работ и обнаружения недостающих записей. Эта база данных далеко не исчерпывающая, но мы надеемся, что со временем проект превратится в бесценный ресурс для ученых и практиков, работающих в этом регионе.
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Security in Central Asia after the Changed Political Situation in...
Category: Afghanistan, Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Economics, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal, Security

Country (region) guide for foreign investment and cooperation: Tajikistan 对外投资合作国别(地区)指南:...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, Economics, Tajikistan

This guide on Kazakhstan published by China’s Ministry of Commerce...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, Economics, Kazakhstan

Country (region) guide for foreign investment and cooperation: Kyrgyzstan 对外投资合作国别(地区)指南:...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, Economics, Kyrgyzstan

A Study of the Social Situation in the Middle Bronze...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, History, Xinjiang

Country (region) guide for foreign investment and cooperation: Turkmenistan 对外投资合作国别(地区)指南:...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Economics, Turkmenistan

Country (region) guide for foreign investment and cooperation: Uzbekistan 对外投资合作国别(地区)指南:...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, Economics, Uzbekistan

Central Asia Energy Transition and Renewable Energy Investment Cooperation 中亚地区城镇化进程中的水安全格局与挑战
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Energy, Journal, Security

Sovereignty under the Background of Eurasian Integration欧亚一体化背景下的国家主权
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal, Politics

Silk Road Culture: the Tubo silk road – 丝路文化.吐蕃卷 :...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, History

“Water-Energy-Food” Security Ties in Central Asia: Dilemma,Governance and China’s Participation...
Water, energy, and food are not only an important part of the national security strategy but also the practical needs...

An Analysis of Language Security in Central Asian Countries 中亚国家语言安全问题探析
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Journal, Language, Security

Situation of Russia,Eastern Europe and Central Asia in 2020: Characteristics...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, Economics, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal, Politics

Renewable energy cooperation between Germany and Central Asian countries: an...
The huge renewable energy potential of Central Asian countries has attracted the participation of many countries. Among them, Germany has...

Public Space Politics in the Nation-Building of Central Asian Countries...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Journal, Politics

A Study on risk identification and avoidance strategies of Chinese...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Economics, Journal

Adjustment of the United States Strategy for Central Asia 从撤军阿富汗看美国中亚政策的调整
Category: Afghanistan, Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal

Polycentricity and Central Asia’s Dependent Growth under Complex Systems复杂系统下的多中心与中亚经济的依附性增长
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Economics, Journal

Agricultural Production in Barkol,Xinjiang in the First Millennium BC:from the...
The associated weed population is a common phenomenon in agricultural production during the growth of crops,and the remains of weeds...

A Study on Rong Hepeng’s four exploration activities in Pamirs...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, History, Xinjiang

An Interpretation of Kizil Mural “Buddha Subduing the King of...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Culture, History, Journal, Xinjiang

US Central Asia Policy:An Analysis from the Perspective of the...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Geopolitics, International Relations, Journal

“The Pendulum of History: International Political Changes Since the Disintegration...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Economics, Geopolitics, History, International Relations, Journal

Export Competition between China and Russia in Central Asia: An...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Economics

Worse than Death: Reflections on the Uyghur Genocide
Category: Central Asia, Politics, Xinjiang

Nah am Boden. Privater Hausbau zwischen Wohnungsnot und Landkonflikt im...
Category: Central Asia, Economics, History, Uzbekistan

Agriculture in Kyrgyzstan: 1991-2021 吉尔吉斯斯坦农业:1991-2021
Category: Agriculture, Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Kyrgyzstan

Agriculture in the Five Countries of Central Asia 中亚五国农业
Category: Agriculture, Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Environment

Religious Affairs Management in Central Asian Couuntries and Anti-extremism Cooperation...
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Economics, Geopolitics, Religion, Security

Research and Outlook on Energy Internet in Central Asia中亚能源互联网研究与展望
Category: Central Asia, Chinese Scholarship, Energy